SPEAK – LAUGH – LOVE – LIVE – Make an impact!

“Communication Is Critical To How Our Everyday Language Directly Influences The Way Our Brain Is Wired.” The Wisdom Codes – Gregg Braden

The Neuro Scientists are confirming that our words influence the way our Neurons connect!

American Linguist Benjamin Lee Whorf’s teaching assignment brought on this unexpected realisation “that we think in words. We speak in words.” He also experienced how the North American Hopi Indians only spoke in the present “In the Moment.” Their language had no words to directly describe the future or the past. Therefore the experience of time was not even referenced.

There have been some incredible Neuroscientists who have postulated on how “we can effect & create our own reality,” however, the results seem to be mostly disappointing? Perhaps not all the ‘ingredients’ were there to ensure consistent success. Could this be “a Missing Link?”

I certainly shall entertain this revelation; especially should it offer a way of being where we are able to … through our COMMUNICATION, be in the present, AND upgrade how we LIVE – LAUGH – & – LOVE

Commemorating those lost during 9 /11

Everyone remembers where they were on that tragic day and will do so to eternity. Covid 19 too has given us ‘a date to remember,’ being the confirmation of a global pandemic, in March 2020, forcing us to look at a totally new way of how we run our lives and our businesses. What we are experiencing is recognition that all will change at all levels of our lives.

Industries will be looking at how they need to approach this new state of being, as their clients and ‘woke’ Governments are ‘aware,’ people will also decide that they too, do not want to add to the challenges we face in the world.

A great example would be climate change, and a call for the gross reduction of manufacturing and using pollutant plastic. Another divisive area of concern might be that working from home instead of offices may suit some, but not all. Lastly but possibly the most pressing fallout as a result of this pandemic, is the lack of action or responsibility from some Governments, who turn a blind eye to the tragic job losses affecting so many families globally, and show a total lack of humanity and government assistance.

One of the result of 9/11 was that a forum was created in Switzerland, inviting a group of CEO’s and business leaders to attend, primarily to work together for answers needed as a result of the global fallout after 9/11. They were hoping for a consensus on what the world was facing so that they could agree on a ‘new road to travel’ in and for business.

How does one grow an economy, when Governments are not doing what they have been mandated to do, and how does industry need to learn what changes must be made when they may be looking through ‘one lens’ and ‘one way of thinking?’

After various management psychological tests, this “invited group” of global CEO’s met in Europe, and were placed into various groupings without explanation as to how the organisers selected these groups. The next step was to propose a complicated business situation to work with, of post 9/11 issues, and the following occurred:

1. Those in likeminded groups, came up with a quicker solution

2. Those in totally mixed groups took a lot longer & argued about a final solution to work with, but came up with a far better and more dynamic and creative solution.

3. The finding was that people who thought differently to others would add benefit to a complicated situation within a company, whereas those who had similar thinking would agree with each other and not look at all perspectives of a given situation.

Perhaps it is time to “Think out of the Box” and recognise that familiarity can make us a little blind, and perhaps diversity & innovation could help us toward the dawning of a new and better world?

The Question of Consciousness



An intrinsic feature of the natural world & a profound new vision of reality. Consciousness is real & the most mysterious phenomena ever encountered by science.

Adrian David Nelson

Upon reading more about Adrian David Nelson, I realised that I was looking at his statement above and perhaps seeing it in a whole new & different light to his?. My picture that was forming, with regards to CONSIOUSNESS, was taking me ‘down a different road.’

We are all endeavouring to survive the Corona 19 virus ‘fall out’ and the very few positives that are coming out of this pandemic, is that humanity is becoming enlightened to the fact that they are delving into their imaginations and creativity in order to survive the changes forced and do things differently . What did work before was now redundant, and micro business and SME’S are scratching their heads to bring about changes to survive; changes that we must make to save what was perceived to be working in an ‘old normal’ society and turn it into the NEW NORMAL and so “creating” and “re-imagining” out of necessity from this global situation taking place in various countries, nationalities and various job/work skills.

I see what is happening is a gradual ‘change in consciousness.’ Humanity is seeing things differently and starting to understand through a heightened consciousness, the necessity for change, and this is happening globally.

In today’s news from UK there was a statement that Prince William and a group of high profile Scientists, together with Sir Richard Attenborough are coming together as a committed group to bring about changes in how we treat our planet. They are dedicating a large amount of finance and ‘know how’ to clean it up and to stop the abuse of our natural resources, starting with the ‘strangle’ that plastic has on our Oceans and natural resources.

Kate and William’s leadership praised by former US president ‘making a real difference’ KATE, the Duchess of Cambridge, and Prince William’s leadership has been praised for “making a real difference” to climate change.

Point To Ponder


“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”
– Carl Jung

Carl Jung, one of the most celebrated Psychologists in the world, stated that we can bring clarity to our ways of being, once we look within and into our heart.

After having been uprooted from my country of birth and unsure of what I needed to be doing with my life, I attended a workshop on self- actualisation. After a gruelling two days of looking within, I recognised that I needed to spend my working days on being fulfilled with people who were looking to increase their knowledge and to, in simple terms, “Be the best they can be,” and enjoy the ride!

I turned to a sport that encompassed my love of the outdoors; a Running Club, with many people of like mind. It did not seem to matter if you were a ‘hot shot’ athlete. We ran in groups of ability, the most important thing being that I now ran with, people dedicated to wanting to keep fit, and who were looking after their own health. A major factor of missing in these circles is that most people there operated in ‘integrity’ by showing up when days and times were chosen to go for our personal training and runs. Keeping a promise to meet at a dedicated time such as 5.00 am come rain or shine, showed strength of character with which I could resonate, and I liked being in a club where diversity was celebrated.

My state of wellbeing was immediately uplifted. I now had met up with a group of people who became good friends and shared in many of the weekends away, running races in the beautiful surroundings of the Western and Eastern Cape. However, I found it a challenge to remain in a balanced state of mind and body as the competitive nature of increasing one’s personal best time, tended to result in pushing oneself beyond a reasonable state of health, which of course differs with respect to the stress levels you live with, and so taking me into a state of imbalance. This happened!

I was now battling with what had not been diagnosed before. It had a short name known to most as M.E. I had three of the viruses attributed to M.E. and the other better known name for it was ‘Yuppie Flu.’ This happened as a result of contracting Yellow Jaundice. It took a week to play its course and before I saw a doctor to confirm what I was going through.

The tiredness did not stop! Few Doctors at that stage knew about this fatigue that also targeted other well-known athletes. I was still able to participate by making myself useful to stand in as acting P.R. for the TWO OCEANS Ultra Marathon. I remained in that position for the next eight to ten years. The position required that I looked after the sponsors of the race during the race. I would take them ahead of the front runners, and tell stories and explain various markers such as the half way mark. I would tell stories and anecdotes of runners that have now become legends, to entertain those in our bus for 56 Kilometres. My background in TV Presentation made it fun and doable, and a good way to participate.

This forced rest and situation, took me back to the Jung statement “who looks inside, awakes.” The message got through. I started to put my many years of experience as a presenter in television to create Communication workshops on Presentation, Media Training, and Body Language, all very important messages that people give to their audiences, and mostly without realising the full extent of the message that is given.

Adrienne Verney Productions was launched and I used my deepened philosophy and experience to spread important messages of ‘confidence, finding your voice, and SPEAKING OUT. There are now seven workshops to choose from and each one is experiential and constituted to increase your CONSCIOUSNESS to “Be the Best You Can Be” and become AWAKE.


“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”
– Carl Jung


The Value of Mail is no more!

August 19th, 1996 – A date that marked a new beginning for our family.

That was the day we landed for the first time in which would be our new home – Canada.

I was 19 years old.

In 1996, there was no social media. The Internet was just a couple years old. Most people’s email accounts were less than a year old.

It was difficult to be separated from my friends. But being in a new country was exciting, and there was so much I wanted to share with my friends back in Spain.

I couldn’t post pictures online, send status updates or Whatsapp messages. There was no Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
So I wrote… by hand… a lot. I wrote so many letters, hundreds of them… until my hand hurt.
My snail letters were epic between 10 and 20 pages long, written both sides.

Letters took between 7 to 14 days to cross the Atlantic and arrive in Spain.
Here is the first page of a very long letter I wrote back in 1997 to a friend.

I recently read an interesting story on the internet, written by a Spanish man called Miguel. It certainly left me thinking about his observations as I found it was quite shockingly revealing about the times in which we now live.

In today’s hyper connectivity and communication, anything written an hour before becomes old news!
Yet if one thinks back to the ‘old, old, normal, ’ many people would file and keep a hand written letter, the effort of writing it, and it’s content, sending it, gave it a value that is in today’s ‘NORMAL’ most unusual. In today’s world this letter would most likely be discarded.
He deduces that the easier it has become to communicate with each other, the less valuable those communications have become, and so handwritten mail is quickly becoming undervalued and almost becoming extinct!

Miguel adds “We’ve gained speed and convenience in communication, but we’ve lost depth and meaning.” He goes on to say “The value we assign to any given item is proportional to the amount of effort it takes us to create it or obtain it.” I found myself agreeing with this statement!
He goes on to say. “The magic of technology has killed the magic of old fashion slow and deliberate communication. We say more, but it means less.” This is quite a statement to make and an indictment of our today’s world!

He ended by deducing that “overall, social media hasn’t killed his relationships, but it has been detrimental to those intangibles that make life so much more interesting.”

That got me thinking that in certain circumstance, CHANGE may not altogether be better for our way of being, especially since there is a paradox here. The forced experience of Lock down has been a bit of a shock to most, but in hindsight not all bad. Paradoxically we have all had to slow down our pace of life prior to Covid 19 which had been one big rush, and a very fast pace of life. However, digital intercommunication has been the only means of keeping in touch with family and friends.

So my vote during these interesting and challenging times is actually that no matter how one does it, the majority of humans would appear to have the psyche of wanting and needing most forms of COMMUNICATION, because COMMUNICATION DOES MATTER!

In today’s hyper-connected instant communication world, information 1 hour is old, is now OLD news. 7 days feels like AN age..

Yet, those letters I sent, and the ones I received were extremely meaningful to my friends and me.
The easier it has become to communicate with each other, the less valuable those communications have become.

The value we assign to any given item is proportional to the amount of effort it takes us to create it or obtain it.

It’s unlikely I will ever send or receive a long hand-written letter like that ever again. Those days are gone.

But it seems the magic of technology has killed the magic of old fashion slow and deliberate communication.

We say more, but it means less.

So overall, social media hasn’t killed my relationships, but it has been detrimental to those intangibles that make life so much more interesting.

At least, I do have a past where I got to experience moments full of emotion and true excitement when opening a hand-written letter from a friend 3000 miles away.

But, what about the new generations? Will they ever get to experience that level of connection with any of their friends?

Peace, Love, and hand-written (on a computer) cookies.
Miguel @ Grumo.com
P.S: Algorithmic thoughts – Another week has passed without feeding the ever-hungry Youtube soul-eating algorithm. My algorithmic clout has decreased by 2.1% but I’ve replenished my soul 1.7%. Is this worth it?

The power of Meaningful Communication

Change one word and you change your emotional psychological and even physical response to a situation. The very essence of what it means to become a conscious person begins with examining the content of yours and others vocabulary and its power to shape, define and order your inner and outer universe.

What words need changing with Covid19 settling itself into our psyches???

YAY … LEVEL THREE ?… Makes you think, doesn’t it!

Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?


A whole new language has evolved since the dreaded news that the globe was waging a war against a virus called Covid 19. Before that fateful day, we had no need for the words that have become part of our daily norm as from just 8 weeks ago!

Lockdown – for some a welcome respite from an over active way of life and a hectic regime, possibly trying to be everything to everyone, OR NOT! Some of the wonderful kindness and caring deeds of feeding those without income, have surfaced to make one proud of humanity. However, amid this, we hear that crime is taking a new approach to making a fast ‘buck’ through “boot legging & illegal cigarette/drugs.”

Distance Learning – means much to those writing their Matric in a few months’ time, or those ending their final University year hoping to gain their degrees. Some who will have to rewrite a lot of their exams because of the ‘On Line Distance Learning.’ Some pupils are wondering if they may have to repeat this lost year in 2021?

Social Distancing – adds another dimension to communication that was rarely ever a problem, especially after cellular phones became a normal way of getting hold of staff, or nearest and dearest. This has become whenever it suits the caller. Often crossing the lines of phoning at decent times, and so lacking “respect” and “mindfulness.”

Take a look at just these words which have become the NEW NORMAL & let’s see who of you may find each word on the positive side of EMOTIOAL INTELLIGENCE – OR NOT!



3) SOCIAL DISTANCING – will be a very hard place for romance and for people hoping to meet a special partner, however, MANY ASPECTS OF BUSINESS practice is affected by this – and the debate will become more obvious as we start appreciating what the NEW NORMAL will be in business and personal communication. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THIS – do you think this is HELPFUL – DO YOU THINK THE AVERAGE PERSON WILL BE ABLE TO communicate their wants needs and intentions wearing, for example a mask?

4) MASKS – A noun, and used to be worn at balls and celebrations when FUN was very much a part of wearing a mask. OR as used for criminals to hide their faces. This will be with us for at least another 6 – 12 months or more. What do you think about wearing a mask everywhere, being the NEW NORMAL?

I LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU adrienne@netactive.co.za www.averney.com

A new form of Communication…Lockdown Communication!

I would like to say how impressive our President has been for showing his leadership, speedy action, and his commitment to keeping South Africa informed of what is taking place during such unprecedented times.

Last night we heard that there will be possible level 4 Lockdown at the end of this month, depending on the situation on the 30th April. This news brings slightly less stringent rules around thwarting this dreaded virus. And so we wait to listen to President Cyril Ramaphosa’ s latest decisions after his findings, shared from global news and local situations. Our challenges are fairly different to those in other continents, so from what I gather; we have to keep in mind that decisions made now, could lead into a carry over for the next eighteen months or longer.
A) “CHANGE” in so many ways, IS THE COMMON DENOMINATOR… both here in South Africa, and globally.
B) Prioritising what is critical, ie: feeding people, keeping jobs and businesses going for the economy to have a chance to survive. c) In order to try and make some sense of what and where to start, we will all have to play our part.



Adrienne Verney Productions is looking forward to presenting to you, my findings on how to increase the efficacy of communication for both business purpose and socially, that will possibly become the ‘new normal.’

During these times, ‘distancing’ communication can and will be CONTINUALLY refined. “ON Line” communication, scrabbles to attempt to embrace the changes and challenges of distancing communication. For example, Zoom, is right now rectifying ‘security issues’ that have popped up which is critical to business meetings, both now and in the future!

Until then, mistakes will be made:- On radio yesterday, we were informed through Twitter, how one member of a group sitting in a virtual meeting, was totally unaware that the group also viewed one person getting up and going to the toilet, and keeping the door open so that they would not miss what was happening in the meeting!

Whilst on another occasion, a person spoke out loud making vociferous comments and expletives of their own viewpoints not agreeing with what had just been said. Their microphone was “un muted”! HORRORS!

We had all best become aware of the ‘do’s and don’ts of this new way of communicating!

Until next time:-

Stay Safe and Stay Well and mindful of your fellow man.

COVID – 19

The world is in shock and lock down!

We cannot get away from it; we are self -isolating, and washing hands like never before.

This global war is of great concern to us all, and especially the elderly and the vulnerable which is finally making governments and businesses have to consider the GOOD OF THE COLLECTIVE.

I have always had a simple philosophy that “out of something bad always comes something good.” So I thought it time to ‘unpack’ this statement and try and look for the GOOD!

I think we are always on a treadmill, rushing here and there, and complaining about the price of petrol and diesel.

1) So thinking twice before getting into our cars, buses and taxis, could reduce much of the stress and car fumes, which has to be both good for individuals and our planet. They are saying that people are able to see the sky in China whereas before the air was clogged up with fumes from factories and production; in Venice the water ways are cleaner and clear for the first time, without so many people polluting them.
2) Creating an awareness that good hygiene is of utmost importance, hopefully will create far better future behaviour which has been sadly lacking in the past!
3) Consideration for people in various small and large businesses is becoming a factor, and governments and citizens are creating ways and means to better the opportunities to earn a living in a lockdown situation.
4) This brings me to my most favourite passions CREATIVITY AND COMMUNICATION!

We live in the digital age and the age of technology and so finally, businesses are trying out ways to keep the office, business, and staff in tact through this situation. So working at home is possibly the best way of ensuring staff keeps their jobs and that many businesses stays open.

Personally, I think this is a very good time to consider exploring and putting into practice, communication through Skype, Zoom, and cut out the travel and meetings that often go on far too long and waste a lot of precious time, and so dare I say that this could definitely become a great saver of “Time?”

Two of my most used courses is “Effective Communication & Presentation” and “Making an Impact” Training right now Can be ‘tweaked’, reduced and offered in a ‘mini’ format during this quiet time of ‘Lock down via On Line and Skype. Many important aspects could be shared to ensure that you are able to come across the digital ‘airwaves’ confident, and with good strong voice and positive body language, which incidentally is an incredibly important workshop that supports the possibilities of covering important points when a close up facial representation of you is what your clients and staff sees.

Take this time to brush up your digital presence by going on line and spending some time with me. Once things become a little more normal, you will be streets ahead of most by using this ‘lock down’ time to your own advantage!

I would love to work with you. Take care and do all the sensible things to remain clear of this ‘wicked’ virus and learn to communicate well during this “pause in time.”

Best wishes
Adrienne Verney Productions

The Planet could do with some Creativity and Innovation ?

Fires burning in Canberra South & over 40 degrees during the day! Another shocking reality of climate change! So what is to be done?

The Planet could do with some Creativity and Innovation ?

CREATIVITY is the capability or act of conceiving something original or unusual.
INNOVATION is the implementation of something new.

INVENTION is the creation of something that has never been made before and is recognized as the product of some unique insight.

COMMUNICATION noun: Imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium.

LEADERSHIP – The action of leading a group of people or an organization. Guidance, direction; authority; control; management; superintendence; supervision; organization; government; orchestration; initiative; influence; headship; directorship; direction; governorship; governance. Oxford
Well… Looking at the above wording is where we need to be. WE NEED CHANGE. We are certainly feeling like we are existing between ‘a rock and a hard place!’

Changes are needed that we may have not have considered before – changes that we have played lip service to, and not put into action. Changes that will include subject matter such as ‘Climate Change,’ and being responsible and accountable for our resources, such as ‘our coast lines,’ and replenishing our ‘fishing resources.’ Humanity has plundered our seas which are being poisoned by plastic and industrial waste, and our water resources are under severe strain.

Sadly changes start to take place when we are uncomfortable enough to remove ourselves from “a rock and a hard place!” We know that this is not only a South African necessity. Globally we need to start truly considering taking better care of our wild animals which are being poached, slaughtered for ivory and Rhino Horn; our ‘fishing industry’ plundered. However, we now must add to this list, our women and children living with abuse; not having a proper education; added to which the constant fear of their care givers not taking full responsibility for having children.

The “Powers that Be” met recently in Davos… what came out of that? Not much… if anything! If we all should be as unconscious as ours and other Governments it will bring down great shame for our generation, for being unconsciousness and / or in denial. This is happening “ON OUR WATCH!”
I appeal to industry leaders and individuals to become more CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE
Ian Mann, was interviewed on Bruce Whitfield’s Money Show last week, and covered the subject of how to ready oneself for becoming innovative and creative. It is ‘stuff’ we all know, and yet do not do! 1) take time out 2) sleep well 3) eat healthily, 4) exercise. All critical factors to survive this economy ( that’s if you have a place safe enough to rest and take some time out?)

Feeling the brevity of our global situation, I put together a workshop on “Innovate and Think Out Of the Box.” I suggest that leaders who are guiding companies take charge, and include their Team Leaders, management and staff, in order for them to contribute to finding answers and sustainable solutions, to our dire situations, and become the leaders we want and need for future generations, in order for these generations to have a future.

We are capable of finding answers. Please step forward on behalf of your industry and business, and look for solutions that are sustainable to help our ailing economy, and world. Imagine what we could do if we all put our minds and knowledge to “INNOVATE AND THINK OUT OF THE BOX!”

Workshop 6 – Adrienne Verney Productions – adrienne@netactive.co.za