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Speak – Laugh – Love – Live

“Communication is critical to how our everyday language directly influences the way our brain is wired.” The Wisdom Codes – Gregg Braden The Neuro Scientists are confirming that OUR WORDS INFLUENCE the way our Neurons connect! American Linguist Benjamin Lee Whorf’s teaching assignment brought on this unexpected realisation “that we think in words. We speak […]

Speak – Laugh – Love – Live

“Communication is critical to how our everyday language directly influences the way our brain is wired.” The Wisdom Codes – Gregg Braden The Neuro Scientists are confirming that OUR WORDS INFLUENCE the way our Neurons connect! American Linguist Benjamin Lee Whorf’s teaching assignment brought on this unexpected realisation “that we think in words. We speak […]

SPEAK – LAUGH – LOVE – LIVE – Make an impact!

“Communication Is Critical To How Our Everyday Language Directly Influences The Way Our Brain Is Wired.” The Wisdom Codes – Gregg Braden The Neuro Scientists are confirming that our words influence the way our Neurons connect! American Linguist Benjamin Lee Whorf’s teaching assignment brought on this unexpected realisation “that we think in words. We speak […]

Commemorating those lost during 9 /11

Everyone remembers where they were on that tragic day and will do so to eternity. Covid 19 too has given us ‘a date to remember,’ being the confirmation of a global pandemic, in March 2020, forcing us to look at a totally new way of how we run our lives and our businesses. What we […]

The Question of Consciousness

A FORM OF AWARENESS. THE VEHICLE OF ALL “VALUE & MEANING” An intrinsic feature of the natural world & a profound new vision of reality. Consciousness is real & the most mysterious phenomena ever encountered by science. Adrian David Nelson Upon reading more about Adrian David Nelson, I realised that I was looking at his […]

Point To Ponder

OUR MISSION “Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” – Carl Jung Carl Jung, one of the most celebrated Psychologists in the world, stated that we can bring clarity to our ways of being, once we look within and into […]

The Value of Mail is no more!

August 19th, 1996 – A date that marked a new beginning for our family. That was the day we landed for the first time in which would be our new home – Canada. I was 19 years old. In 1996, there was no social media. The Internet was just a couple years old. Most people’s […]

The power of Meaningful Communication

Change one word and you change your emotional psychological and even physical response to a situation. The very essence of what it means to become a conscious person begins with examining the content of yours and others vocabulary and its power to shape, define and order your inner and outer universe. What words need changing […]

Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

SO IN RETROSPECT, IN 2015, NOT A SINGLE PERSON GOT THE ANSWER RIGHT TO “WHERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF 5 YEARS FROM NOW?” A whole new language has evolved since the dreaded news that the globe was waging a war against a virus called Covid 19. Before that fateful day, we had no need for […]